CTC-121  Cross-The-Counter System for Reception Desks, Ticket Booths, etc. CTC-121 Cross-The-Counter System for Reception Desks, Ticket Booths, etc.
4 stars - "Review for CTC-121 Cross-The-Counter System for Reception Desks, Ticket Booths, etc." This CTC-121 Cross-The-Counter System for Reception Desks, Ticket Booths, etc. is the best System Types I have tried.
  • CTC-121  Cross-The-Counter System for Reception Desks, Ticket Booths, etc. - Image 1
  • CTC-121  Cross-The-Counter System for Reception Desks, Ticket Booths, etc. - Image 1

CTC-121 Cross-The-Counter System for Reception Desks, Ticket Booths, etc.

Product ID: CTC-121
Brand: Univox
From: $791.00 AUD

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CTC-121  Cross-The-Counter Loop System for Reception Desks, Ticket Booths, etc.


The CTC-121 is a complete package including a gooseneck microphone.


The system includes:


  • a CLS-1 loop amplifier with wall mount bracket,
  • a gooseneck microphone on a base,
  • a Univox Loop-Pad which can be mounted under the counter/desk, and
  • a T-symbol sign/label (80 x 73mm).


No more communication problems!

Univox CTC (Cross the Counter) is a complete induction loop system for installation in receptions, information desks, supermarket cashiers and ticket booths. When installed, the system grants for hearing aid users to communicate with the staff with high speech perception.

The system includes an induction loop amplifier, a microphone and a loop pad. The reliable and powerful amplifiers, equipped with a modern and intelligent AGC function, supplies excellent speech perception in any situation. Choose between a goose neck microphone and a small self-adhesive microphone which can be mounted on a glass or a wall. Every Univox CTC system includes a loop pad which is mounted under the counter/desk. Correctly installed the system works automatically without any settings or adjustments.




  • Correctly installed and adjusted system complies with the industry standard IEC 60118-4

  • Reliable, powerful amplifiers guarantee problem free functionality

  • Dual action AGC supplies excellent speech perception and eliminates pumping effects

  • Compensation for long microphone distance: AGC with very large input range (70dB) guarantees smooth sound level

  • Low overspill due to defined spreading: at 1.5 m from the middle of the deskthe magnetic field is reduced more than 33dB

  • Smallest distance between 2 systems is 1 meter

  • Amplifier equipped with LED for function control

  • User friendly - system works automatically without the need of any adjustment




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Download:  Installation Guide


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